15 Feb
15 Feb
11:10 a.m.
Am Samstag 14 Februar 2009 23:40:37 schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
Yep it works, I have already one image and it started seeding right away :) the name shows up as "iso" though, can't we give it a nicer name? like "Arch Linux 2009.02 images"
The name/comment is Arch Linux 2009.02. Maybe you mean the folder to which those images are "extracted" to? They have to have the same names as those from the mirrors to use webseeding. -- Pierre Schmitz Clemens-August-Straße 76 53115 Bonn Telefon 0228 9716608 Mobil 0160 95269831 Jabber pierre@jabber.archlinux.de WWW http://www.archlinux.de