On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:54:47 +0200 Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:
If this is the patch that enables you to make all your changes persistent on the usb stick, then I love this. Maybe we could go further: do we even need unionning here at all?
We need unioning to keep the image creation consistent with CDs and to severely reduce the download size (remember that squashfs reduces the size considerably).
- I don't see why it should be a goal to have it the same way as the CD. - squashfs: just found out it cannot be RW. maybe there is a solution to have compression without unioning. the img's are 380 & 400 MB big. I wonder how big they would be without compression. they probably still fit on 1GB usb sticks. but yeah the download would be bigger.. good point.
We could still offer an option in archiso to just create a filesystem from the workdir instead of squashing and unioning - it has its uses.
which uses are you thinking of? Dieter