----- Mensaje original -----
De: Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> Para: Arch Linux Release Engineering <arch-releng@archlinux.org> CC: Enviado: martes, 10 de abril de 2012 13:27 Asunto: Re: [arch-releng] Linux-3.3 now hits [core], enable or not EFI on ISOs?
On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 19:16:17 -0300 Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
I want to get a "yes" or "no" about pushing my EFI patch [#1] in archiso that enables EFI CD-ROM booting via "El Torito" method. At least from Thomas or Dieter, since I did not get feedback from other people than Keshav P R (Thanks you).
Just for remember this patch just increses the size of all x86_64 isos in 20MiB.
Does it also increase size of the dual image? the dual image is currently 732MB, the others are <410MB
Yes as said before all thing where is x86_64 supported. So core-dual.iso and netinstall-dual.iso will be 20MiB increased. Optionally we can include this feature only on core-x86_64 and netinstall-x86_64, cutting EFI support from both dual.iso. Anyway long time ago, we talk about iso sizes, and conclusion was: do not care anymore about CD-ROM, at least for dual ISOs.
It seems like a useful feature, but I don't really know what I'm talking about. I know very little about archiso and EFI. I mostly care about AIF and being able to install systems (including using EFI), and it seems that to be able to do an EFI installation (which needs efibootmgr), the system needs to be booted with EFI (otherwise the efi vars won't be set), that's all I know about this.
efibootmgr will be included if this is added.