Am 14.07.2010 03:11, schrieb Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi:
Since new initscripts and mkinitcpio are in [core] new images can be build without doing "git/overlay hacks".
What kind of hacks are you talking about exactly?
{*} There is a bug in qemu-kvm that ide-cdrom (default used) does not work propertly, use instead and scsi-cdrom. [#1]
Are you sure that this only affects the qemu cdrom? Shouldn't we provide a simple workaround that catches all CD drives, no matter what kind of weird bugs there might be?
{***} Additional parameter (vmalloc=) must be passed to kernel on machine with more than ~800MB of RAM under 32 bits only, otherwise will fail.
This should be fixed in the kernel, but I have no idea if and when a fix will be written and/or accepted.
{****} -T basic is how official dual media (2010.05) is build. Now this image size is 705MB, a bit larger for CD-ROMs. I guess for next official media -T split should be used (currently 637MB).
Can you summarize what exactly -T split does? Also, there is the overlay: We used to have a separate overlay for each architecture, is that still necessary? If we add "Architecture = auto" to pacman.conf and use $arch in mirrorlist (is that already done?), it seems we can use the same overlay for both architectures.