Hi, from some requests/mails we should discuss if we add these additional packages to the Live/Install image environment: * rsync * netcfg netcfg could be usefull to setup mainly a wireless internet connection for netinstall users (who not familar with iwconfig or wpa_supplicant). Also a hint on vi: vi in [testing] (050325-1) chnages the behavior of vi more to the basic vi. As vi editor, have we an alternative? vim is too big IMHO (dependencies)... Otherwise IMHO vi 050325-1 is ok... rsync as a rescue, maintenance tool. This package of cource could always be installed via pacman, but one have to establish a internet connection. Both packages don't increase the images size too big, so my opinions were to add them to 2009.08. What do you mean? FYI: I attatch a list of current used packages. Our policy is not to add too many packages, above all when they could be installed easy later via pacman. Currently i686 and x86_64 list don't differ. Gerhard