On 10 Mar 18:26, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
* add something like: autocmd BufWritePre *.py :%s/\s\+$//e to your .vimrc, it makes sure you won't commit trailing whitespace. (oh right you use emacs right? well, configure it ;-) Yes I should :)
* there will need to be some kind of "are you human test" on the input form (a simple question/response check might do fine, like "which Linux distro is this about? (just the 4-letter word)") * I would prefer even some sort of authentication. if there was a way to allow people to authenticate with their bbs or archwiki login, or even get cookies from the wiki (does archlinux.org get the cookies from wiki.archlinux.org?) this will be needed to have some credibility for entries, as well as a way to get back to the user if I have any questions about their report. also if we have this, we don't need the 'are you human' test. That would be pretty cool, I only know it _should_ be possible if we just grab credentials from the bbs/wiki/aur database, but I think that would be beyond the scope of just the app I'm writing. Of course I could look at how (re)captcha works.
Django does have this CSRF thing, that somehow should protect you from cross-domain requests, I actually forgot whether or not I'm using this right now, but if I'm not it's very easy it seems, but I don't know if that is sufficient (probably not, you can still write a script that grabs the necessary info that way and starts posting away).
* I will need to install this either locally (any tips on that?) or maybe we host it on archlinux.org directly (if that seems safe enough, Dan? note that we'll need to update it regularly to test updates, but I could review code/queries - but I have zero django knowledge), when I do that, I can give feedback on the actual features and workflow. If it's just for testing you can easily git clone it and follow the instructions provided in archweb's README, django has a very nice testing webserver.
* Can you provide a sample static page called "help" or something? When I have a setup that I can test on, I can start writing the contents for that help page. It will be needed anyway for users who want to use the app, and at the same time it can serve as implementation guideline for you. I don't know, for as far as I've understood django just doesn't do static pages, you place them where no django url points to on the web sever and whichever webserver you're running should serve that static
If you want it in a separate project so you can host it, that's also fairly easy to do, I think, just let me know. page (I'm sure Dan or someone else can explain much clearer, sorry). But wouldn't that be a good idea for a wiki page that is linked to, maybe? Tom