On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 10:20:23 +0200 Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de> wrote:
seems we have (also after the public RC1 test announce) no blockers for final release of 2009.08. We planned this latest on 09. August 2009.
To give the mirrors and torrent seeders a chance to relieve our servers, i plan to build the images tomorrow (Saturday, early on my localtime).
Sounds good
I keep them in /home/archiso/images. The announce could be made then on Sunday or latest Monday(10. August morning).
What we have to do: ------------------------ * Write the announcement(draft) for 2009.08 (Dieter, Aaron ?) I'll do this. I'll send a draft proposal this noon / afternoon /evening
* IMHO we should test all images at last if they boot. To speed up this we could split this on several people, maybe we split it for testing: all i686 ISOs: Tester = ??? all x86_64 ISOs: Tester = Gerhard all USB-Images: Tester = ??? If no other testers are available, i try myself to test as many as possible. I can test i686 iso's and img's. I'll do some interactive and automatic installs and I'll probably try net vs
* Move the images directly after build (and test) to gerolde so the mirror sync could be started. (Aaron ?) * I also could make the *.torrent files according to the last mailed workflow, a admin has to add the hashsums to opentracker whitelist. It would help if archiso group member could edit the opentracker whitelist file, maybe we add a group opentracker or torrent and add %archiso members? (Gerhard ?) * Also the RC1 hashes have to be removed from opentracker whitelist and from public download dir on sigurd. (Gerhard ?)
Minor things: ------------------- * Make actual packages of archiso and aif for extra repo according to the state we used on this snapshot.
yep. I'll release a new stable aif package into extra this evening.
I will also swap the installation guides when we release. (I'll put the current one on a new page called '..._old' or something. Dieter