Am 26.10.2012 16:28, schrieb Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi:
If you don't use sparse files (does NTFS even support them?), then the limited write capability of the kernel NTFS driver may be sufficient. It can write to existing files without changing their sizes as often as you want to. However, operations like file size changes, file creations and file deletions may result in "Operation not supported" seemingly randomly. (At least that was the state of the driver when ntfs-3g came out, I suppose they didn't remove any features since then.)
Yes NTFS support sparse files.
I need to create a files and directories inside. However an experimental user can create needed COW files manually of desired size and use them, who knows if works OK...
Alternatively: I just looked, and ntfs-3g + fuse + fuse kernel module is still under 2MB - compressed with xz-squashfs, this could be less than 1MB. Although the use case is rare, adding it is unproblematic.