I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to ask (if there's a better place, please let me know) -- I searched around a bit, but wasn't quite able to find what I was looking for. There are a *whole lot* of bugs for AIF in the bugtracker[1], some of which aren't relevant any more, and some of which I'm working on. I'd like to request ownership / assignment of the AIF bugs, if possible. I can certainly work my way through them, but figure that it makes some sense for me to be listed as "responsible" for them, and would also mean less poking and prodding from me as I attempt to figure out which ones are still relevant and which ones should be closed already. As a side note, I know dev action has been quiet on my front for AIF for a bit, but I've been making progress on figuring out the intent of parts of the code, and trying to set up things in such a way that they'll be more ensurably stable. I'm trying to avoid pushing stuff to github that's likely to be re-written, but should be making some public changes in the near future. Anyhow, if someone could either point me in the direction of who I should be poking, set me up with the issues in the bugtracker, or tell me that that's not something I should be asking for right now, I'd greatly appreciate it. Footnotes: [1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=6&cat%5B%5D=40&status%5B%5D=open&do=index -- Jeremiah Dodds blog : http://jdodds.github.com github : https://github.com/jdodds freenode/skype : exhortatory twitter : kaens