Hi, I am proposing a patch for archiso-pxe-server. - It adds one option to avoid killing and strating dnsmasq (usefull if you already have one). - It corrects one important bug: with "set -e", the pkill are failing (no previous dnsmasq or nbd-server) and the program stops instead of continuing as it should. Thanks Charles 12a13
DNSMASQ_SKIP=false 46a48,49 echo " -k Skip Dnsmasq start up" echo " (default: ${DNSMASQ_SKIP} )" 80c83 < pkill dnsmasq > /dev/null 2>&1
pkill dnsmasq > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
91c94 < pkill nbd-server > /dev/null 2>&1 ---
pkill nbd-server > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
130c133 < while getopts 'i:s:d:l:m:t:h' arg; do ---
while getopts 'i:s:d:l:m:t:kh' arg; do 137a141 k) DNSMASQ_SKIP=true ;; 145c149,151 < start_pxe_server
if ! ${DNSMASQ_SKIP} ; then start_pxe_server fi