________________________________ De: Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> Para: arch-releng@archlinux.org Enviado: miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012 13:26 Asunto: Re: [arch-releng] [PATCH 2/5] [configs/releng] Enable systemd services
Am 12.09.2012 17:32, schrieb Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi:
This should go to /etc directly. Nope, I want to maintain few files as posible.
This is not a system file from a package, but a site-specific file - it belongs to /etc/systemd/system/.
Sorry, I do not understand what are trying to say here. I do not want to maintain a whole copy of a file with modification if I can keep with a simple serach/replace from original file.
Do you actually want to autologin on all TTYs? Won't there be a conflict between autologin and getty? Only on tty1 is enabled (see Install section, there is and Alias to tty1). Sure I can add @tty1 but is reduntant like for dhcpcd adding eth0 on enable command. (different case is when start command is used)
I see now - but don't autologin@tty1 and getty@tty1 conflict?
Nope, -f is used, so currently getty@tty1 symlink is removed.