On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 20:38:26 +1000 Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
Hi guys, As you may have read already (http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-releng/2009-July/000549.html ) we are working on a new release, which we would like to have out there by froscon. (22 august 2009)
You'll find the alpha images here: http://build.archlinux.org/isos/ Target audience: interested hackers, eg the people on this list.
I took the alpha installers for a spin. I haven't downloaded an iso since 2007 and a bit has changed! Good work.
I used archlinux-2009.08-alpha-core-i686.iso in qemu and installed a very minimal system (filesystem, kernel26, initscripts, pacman & grub). Had no real issues, although I did nothing fancy...
A couple of minor suggestions: You could use a "clear" on exiting the installer as the prompt was still covered in the background colors. When I get a message about going back and do rollback (after changing filesystem stuff) and I click "yes", I get sent back to the main menu instead of the hard disk setup menu.
Not sure which dialog exactly you're talking about. There is one that suggests a rollback if something failed during partition/filesystem processing (that by itself would be bad) And rolling back is also proposed if you select one of partion/autoprepare/configure manually if you have previously configured your disks already. Please report a bug for this, and describe clearly what exactly happens. The 'clear' at the end is added btw. Dieter