Am Montag, den 15.06.2009, 22:07 +0200 schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
I have now tried this quick hack: in mkarchiso, after: _pacman "${PKGLIST}" put: cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist "${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
but the error stayed exactly the same. stay tuned while i figure this out :)
For the interested ones: In the makefile i had to change: ./ core "$(WORKDIR)/core-pkgs" to ./ testing "$(WORKDIR)/core-pkgs"
Otherwise it would only use core packages. not good. But now i get `No such file `testing.db.tar.gz'` at the end of
I could not confirm your problems here. Have build a ftp-iso with 2.6.30 without a problem on mirrorlist. I use archiso with the latest commits. Also the change in makefile is not necessary, you have only to activate testing repo in your build-host's pacman.conf and make sure testing is above the other repos (After ISO builing - if you don't have a VM for this - you could disable testing to stay your build-host clean). Other hint when using such a test-iso: you must also enable testing repo in the installation which you boot with your test iso - otherwise your iso has ex. 2.6.30 and your system will get installed with 2.6.29.
stay tuned