Gerhard Brauer wrote:
Am Fri, 30 Jan 2009 22:16:57 -0200 schrieb Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <>:
Ooohh! The grub-gfx installed at root-image-fs (x86_64) is the grub-gfx-0.97-7 (latest from community) and in i686 is 0.97-11. I tested compiling the grub-gfx for x86_84 sync to -11 version. copied with scp to installCD , pacman -U grub-gfx-0.97-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
Oh, then the grub-gfx maintainer doesn't build also the x86_64 version :-( I wrote him in a bugreport FS#12616 to add ext4 support (and ext3 big-inode patch) to grub-gfx and the i686 version was rebuild fine with these changes.
And install grub like /arch/setup and now WORKS :)
FS#13059 is the new grub-gfx bugreport to fix for x86_64. Thanks Gerardo!
BTW: grub-gfx in ABS lack some patches, i copied all from ABS grub.
Yeah, i also saw this..
First i wonder about the grub-gfx problems you mentioned, cause grub-gfx and grub uses the same patches (and upstream source), only addition is the patch for splash support. And this should not prevent the bare installation of grub(-gfx). But with this version-differing the reason is clear. x86_64 ISO/images (RC1 candidates) should wait until grub-gfx's new version is available.
Would it be a good idea to move grub-gfx to [extra] if it is being used on the installer? Allan