I think it would be wise to stay with the version numbering that we have right now, for example 2009.02 for the release coming this month. If any bug is found in the 2009.02-1 release, there can come a 2009.02-2 release, and so forth. The development versions for the 2009.02 series would be called 2009.02-alpha1, 2009.02-beta and 2009.02-rc, etcetera. The final version would be 2009.02-1.

This way we would never run out of version numbers, one can see in the blink of an eye when a release was made, and this way of version numbering is very consistent and logical. The only downside that I can find about this way of versioning is what Dieter Plaetinck said on 2 februari, that it could interfere with flyspray references, that need to be updated in case a release can't be made in a certain month.

Jeroen Maris