On Sun, 05 Jul 2009 11:24:25 +0200 Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 05.07.2009, 10:39 +0200 schrieb Gerhard Brauer:
Found a better way to get a actual working mirrorlist into our ISO/Images.
Question: should we place ftp.archlinux.org mirror on top of the generated mirrorlist?
Currently the fetched mirrorlist is sorted by country, so an Australian mirror is on top. This is normally not a real problem if someone uses pacman in live-CD mode (aif installer ask the user which mirror should be used during web-install from this list).
So what you opinions? Pushing archlinux.org mirror although we would avoid using this host? Or live with: first-in = first-use, a experienced arch user IMHO think to check the mirrorlist and push his preferenced mirror...
Regards Gerhard
Well, I would stick with archlinux.org It's basically impossible to set a good default because arch users are all over the world. So they have to change it anyway. And if they don't change it, then they get "punised" for ignoring our recommendations by having very slow downloads ;) So, I propose: mirrorlist in image == mirrorlist from package, but uncommented archlinux.org I'm however not sure if it's possible to use a different mirrorlist file then the one that was used during building. Dieter