On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de> wrote:
Aaron, would you make the announce of the Release Engineering Group and
the current status? So that users see: we are working, the next iso
release is near.
Announcement made about the team. I didn't add info regarding the
current status, but I think some people may expect it 8)
We could also say: only stopper ATM is FS#12867 (USB). But AFAIK that
bug must be not a total stopper for the ISOs, installation and
rescue/maintenance should be possible. Also we could apply your
mkinitcpio patch preventive.
New mkinitcpio is in testing. Also, an initscripts package I'd like to
get on the ISO (Copyright year changed to 2009)
I will rebuild sample ISOs with three new packages I updated today:
aif, initscripts, and mkinitcpio
Thanks Aaron!