On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 00:50:44 +0200 Tom Willemsen <tom.willemsen@archlinux.us> wrote:
Everything on this list should now be done and checked in to gitorious. The database has to be re-generated of course.
nice to hear, I'll try it out as soon as I have time. unfortunately, my free time has decreased a bit as of late. So I encourage anyone who is interested in releng stuff and/or knows his way around in python/django to have a good look at Toms app and try it out.
I did notice that, when trying out conkeror again, the results page may not show results immediately, but I don't get that in luakit, so I don't know if it's conkeror that's loading its own cached pages (only shows me after a refresh) or if it's luakit not loading anything cached.
weird. or maybe some kind of race condition, you do return the next page only when you're sure all the queries are committed, right? Dieter