On Mon, 14 May 2012 23:32:35 +0200 Dario Giovannetti <dariogiova@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to propose using pandoc ( http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/ ) instead of the make-doc.sh script for converting the installation guide (Markdown syntax) to the document hosted in the wiki (MediaWiki syntax). I've tested it and the result looks pretty good, with only a few minor manual refinements required (which I volunteer to perform, if needed): instead of the current script, which practically produces an html document, we would get a correctly-formed, much neater MediaWiki document. This would greatly simplify further improvements in the wikification of the the guide, like the adaptation to ArchWiki's style standars.
Thank you
If you have a patch that I can apply, I'll try it out. if the code using pandoc is more elegant, and the output result is comparable (and/or better), i'm up for it. Dieter