On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Jordy van Wolferen <
jordz@archlinux.us> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 16:51 -0600, Aaron Griffin wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Jordy van Wolferen <
jordz@archlinux.us> wrote:
>> > Hey,
>> >
>> > I just tested 2009-01 beta 2 for x86_64. Used ext4 for my root
>> > partition.
>> > When booting I keep getting error code 2 from grub, I even removed my
>> > 2nd harddisk, because I thought that was the problem. Is it possible
>> > that because I used the ftp install, that not all necessary packages are
>> > moved to core?
>> >
>> > That is the only thing that I can think of causing this problem, or
>> > could it be a bug?
>> > Can't be, the overlord eats them like candy right ;)
>> >
>> > Are there more people having problem with the ftp install and ext4?
>> To be clear: this is not an error booting the ISO, but an error
>> booting the installed system?
>> Grub error #2:
>> "The selected disk doesn't exist"
>> I imagine this is ext4 related. You are using grub and not grub-gfx, correct?
>> Gerhard, any insight here? I, myself, haven't installed an ext4
>> system, so I am not sure about this.
> Yes it's the new installed system, not the ISO. I first thought I my was
> my second hard disk and grub messing something up, but after removing
> that I got the same problem. I'm using the normal grub from core.
> I'm going to try the core ISO to see if that works.