Re: [arch-releng] AIF [PATCH 1/2] Fix URL parsing for core repo
Am Montag, den 02.03.2009, 06:25 +1000 schrieb Allan McRae:
Ok, i will have a look at. But i have sent often patches as attachemnts to the list, without any problem. Something changed in the mailing list software so that not all mime files are allowed? (I sent the mail again to my address to see if i made a mistake, but there not problem with the attached patch..) But i will sent them inline again....
On Sun, 01 Mar 2009 21:35:34 +0100 Gerhard Brauer <> wrote:
Yes, recently we started blocking html mails. Gerhard, can you maybe copypaste the original mail/mimetype? Aaron, any idea? Dieter
Am Sonntag, den 01.03.2009, 21:47 +0100 schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
Yes, recently we started blocking html mails.
I know, but i never send an HTML mail in my live ;-) First i thought it was the Evolution mail client (i test with it), but the outgoing mail was correct.
--=-FOtQQCBN+8qX589kOp+2 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="0001-Fix-URL-parsing-for-core-repo.patch" Content-Type: text/x-patch; name="0001-Fix-URL-parsing-for-core-repo.patch"; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Last content is no more in the mail, but a flag that the mail should have an attachement...
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Dieter Plaetinck <> wrote:
It's not so much HTML blocking, but it's the fact that I turned on "content filtering" which whitelists things. I have a feeling it's the mime type of the patch not getting through. pacman-dev had this issue. Some clients, like gmail, will send patch files as application/octet-streams, which is silly, as they're text/plain I'll fiddle with the settings to make sure this doesn't happen again
participants (3)
Aaron Griffin
Dieter Plaetinck
Gerhard Brauer