[arch-releng] 2009.08 alpha images
Hi guys, As you may have read already (http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-releng/2009-July/000549.html ) we are working on a new release, which we would like to have out there by froscon. (22 august 2009) You'll find the alpha images here: http://build.archlinux.org/isos/ Target audience: interested hackers, eg the people on this list. Changes compared to latest release (2009.02): - kernel 2.6.30 (next set of images will have - usage of the AIF framework/installer, no more archlinux-installer - aufs instead of unionfs - images are now built on a new build server (the one provided by sevenL networks), in dedicated releng chroots. This should make the "build-upload-test" cycles shorter. Those are the main things I think. The roadmap (basically our todo list of bugs and feature requests) is here http://bugs.archlinux.org/roadmap/proj6 The moment this list is empty, expect an official release ;) Please test and pay special attention to the "new things" such as the lvm/dm_crypt support in aif, the new FS editor, and the automatic procedure (for which you'll find an example in /usr/share/aif) Bugreports are always welcome on our Bugtracker. Also, we're not sure how we should take care of the documentation. http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Official_Arch_Linux_Install_Guide will need an update. Last time there was some discussion about this, but afaik the community contributed in this aspect. (though whoever wants to help here should probably wait a bit until we've had some feedback about aif's workings/UI) A, G & D PS: If you experience crashes with Virtualbox, there seem to be some bugs showing up in vbox since kernel 2.6.30 ( eg http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/2149 )
Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
<snip> I took the alpha installers for a spin. I haven't downloaded an iso since 2007 and a bit has changed! Good work. I used archlinux-2009.08-alpha-core-i686.iso in qemu and installed a very minimal system (filesystem, kernel26, initscripts, pacman & grub). Had no real issues, although I did nothing fancy... A couple of minor suggestions: You could use a "clear" on exiting the installer as the prompt was still covered in the background colors. When I get a message about going back and do rollback (after changing filesystem stuff) and I click "yes", I get sent back to the main menu instead of the hard disk setup menu. Allan
On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 20:38:26 +1000 Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Not sure which dialog exactly you're talking about. There is one that suggests a rollback if something failed during partition/filesystem processing (that by itself would be bad) And rolling back is also proposed if you select one of partion/autoprepare/configure manually if you have previously configured your disks already. Please report a bug for this, and describe clearly what exactly happens. The 'clear' at the end is added btw. Dieter
Hi people, Downloaded archlinux-2009.08-alpha-core-x86_64.iso, but to install the packages I realized were not installed after the verification of integrity. In "Configure System" all files /etc/* were blank when trying to save a file using vi editor have generated the error " 'mnt/etc/*' E212: Can not open file for writing" and when I set the password for the root have caused the error "chroot: cannot run command `passwd ': No such file or directory.". The file /arch/arch-install-guide.txt don't exist. Somebody could help me solve them? I apologize for my English! Flavio Lira
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On Sat, 11 Jul 2009 19:15:02 +0000 Flavio Lira <flaviolira1@hotmail.com> wrote:
The symptons you mention are indeed the result of packages not being installed to the target system. Are you saying the packages that are included on the iso (and mounted on /src/pkg) failed the integrity check? Dieter
participants (3)
Allan McRae
Dieter Plaetinck
Flavio Lira