I'll begin the wiki.  I should first read and digest the "Contributing" page.  I've never initiated a page.

There must be others on the list.   If so, please identify any packages for which you'd like to be responsible. 

A simple response such as

    "YOURNAME" ====> {pkg1, pkg2}

or similar would be excellent.



Billy Wayne McCann, Ph.D.

MzM0LTcwMy0wMTIyCg== | base64 -d

"A rich man will always desire what his wealth cannot acquire." ~ Faust (Goethe)


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 5:18 AM, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Am 11.03.2014 04:41, schrieb Billy McCann:
> Salutations and Felicitations!
> The arch-security ML is a great idea.
> I'd like to help, but I'm not sure where I'm best placed.  I have time
> to watch a couple of mailing lists for security announcements.
> But I feel I need to know who is doing what, so that I'm not duplicating
> someone else's work, a sort of division of labor.
> If we all take a ML or two, share what we're doing, then we'll divide
> the labor and be more efficient at keeping Arch secure.
> What think ye?

If you want to take the initiative on this, why don't you create a wiki
page where we can list projects to watch and who is watching what.

arch-security mailing list