FIXED. Thanks to felixonmars for the fast fix. ------------------------------------------[00(01|10)11] ----------------------------------------- Billy Wayne McCann, Ph.D. Google+ <> PGP Key <> irc:// MzM0LTcwMy0wMTIyCg== | base64 -d "A rich man will always desire what his wealth cannot acquire." ~ Faust (Goethe) ------------------------------------------[11(10|01)00]------- ----------------------------------- On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Billy McCann <>wrote:
A CVE was announced for Adobe Flash Player on 3-12 .
flash-plugin has been flagged out of date since 3-11.
Bug has been filed to alert devs that upgrad e is critical. See issue entry below.
=== B E G I N B U G R E P O R T ======= Description: Adobe Flash Player before on Linux allows attackers to read the clipboard via unspecified vectors.
Solution: Update to latest Flash Player.
Links to Description:
Additional info: * package version(s) * Misc Package was flagged as outdated on the 11th of March, 2014.
=== E N D =====
Billy Wayne McCann, Ph.D. Google+ PGP Key irc://
MzM0LTcwMy0wMTIyCg== | base64 -d
"A rich man will always desire what his wealth cannot acquire." ~ Faust (Goethe)