I think we could make pages on the wiki private with people in the mentor group having access. The public page could list information like how to get a mentor and what sorts of things people can get help with. I would be willing to be a publicly known coordinator/contact and maybe we can create an email "mentoring@archwomen.org" for people to contact as well.

- meskarune

---- On Sun, 03 May 2015 21:40:51 -0400 tigrmesh<tigrmesh@archwomen.org> wrote ----
Hi all,

Here are some thoughts about mentorship, mostly taken from the discussion at the March, 2015 Arch Women meeting.  There was to have been a small group meeting on IRC in March, but it was difficult to coordinate a time when everyone could be there.  So it's happening here on the mailing list instead.

 * Notes/ideas for the Arch Linux Women Mentorship Discussion *

People who expressed an interest in participating:  meskarune, you, me, jy2wong, and alad.  CalimeroTeknik, nisstyre, AndreeeCZ and yuvadm have put themselves on the list as willing to be mentors.  They may want to come.  And anyone else who wants to come.

Group will discuss and bring this to regular Arch Linux Women meeting in June.  fsckd drafted some criteria/suggestions for the group to consider. Those are below. 

The mentorship list now:  https://archwomen.org/wiki/projects:mentorship:offers

   Mentors, mentees, manatees  http://im.skdat.com/data/gallery/21/manatee.jpg

=== General - clarify what we really mean by mentorship

Topics - Scope:
  * what should be the scope of the topics allowed?
  * Should they be limited to those usable for Arch?

  * How formal do we want this (program?) to be?

  * what is the amount of time / level of commitment expected/required?
    * For both mentors and mentees?

Topics - Ideas:
    * IDEA: There are quite a few facets to arch, from bugtracking to packaging and documentation, so that's a good topic for mentorship
    * IDEA: Allan indicated he might be willing to mentor someone about the toolchain.  Needs more info

  * How would this work in general?
    * How do potential mentors communicate their areas of expertise?
    * How do potential mentees communicate their area of interest?
    * How do we connect the two?
  * fsckd's thoughts and suggestions below

=== Privacy
"While I'm happy to mentor, I'm not sure I'm happy having my name up on a...err, shit magnet page. I really have no desire to have internet poo flung at me by random strangers who decide the arch women mentorship program is lulzy."

Privacy - General
    General ideas/suggestions/considerations and blocks
- The list on the wiki now has the problem of zero privacy for mentors.  The internet can be a scary place.
  * How do we protect the privacy of mentors and mentees while keeping the process easy to use and accessible?
  * Consider the specific attacks we're trying to defend against, and find possible solutions.

Privacy - Technical
    Technical suggestions and ideas.
  * Using the Arch Women Wiki - make use of dokuwiki's ACLs to create a special mentor group that can see the list of mentors
  * People not in that group would be able to see the topics but not the names of the mentors. (names would be anonymized)
  * Using the Arch Women Wiki - some other docuwiki feature
  * Use something completely different

~~~ fsckd's criteria/suggestions from the March General Arch Women meeting.  I put them here because they are a good beginning for discussion. 

- fsckd's suggestion on the general process:
  * The process of connecting mentors with mentees should not be convoluted or tedious.

- fsckd's suggestions on privacy:
  * Mentors should retain their privacy. The list of mentors should be neither public nor anonymously accessible.
  * Mentees should retain their privacy. There is no public list of mentees.
  * People should easily be able to add themselves to the list of mentors, remove themselves from the list of mentors, and temporarily take a break from the mentorship program.
  * Accessible to people not familiar with IRC.
  * Skills should be publicly viewable even though list of mentors is not.
    * <alad> so in short, a "private" mentor list, where people can easily add themselves to, and that can be queried by topic?