Hi there, I suppose a lot of you have seen the recent discussion about voting and quorum etc. and the way it tapered off after the discussion on IRC. Since then I've put something together as an add-on to the AUR for TUs to vote for applicants, removals and all that to help us out a little. With this set up applying to be a TU and the discussion period would still be kept on the mailing list but after that it would be taken to the AUR for the voting period. With voting like this it means it's harder to miss a vote (maybe we can even set up a notice on the front AUR page or some sort of mail notification, I dunno), voting is kept more organised, votes are far easier to check back on and your vote is kept private. So far everything is working as it should, you're able to add a new proposal to the system and once there people are able to view information about the proposal and then vote on it. It's set up in a semi-anonymous way where the fact you voted is recorded but your actual vote (yes/no/abstain) is never known. Although all the basic functionality is complete it's still missing a few things like localisation and supporting votes of a variable length but bother of these shouldn't be too hard to add. I'm interested in anyone's opinion of this and any suggestions you'd like to make for it. Some screenshots: http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/3976/closedvotelo4.png http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/1448/listviewvq9.png http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/1908/runningnotvotedkt6.png http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/9517/runningvotedab7.png http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1553/submitfv2.png -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett