I'm forwarding this to aur-dev, as it's come up before and I want to gather current opinions on it. A couple thoughts that come to my mind are that spam harvesters won't honor robots.txt anyway, and in the past people sort of agreed that by uploading a pkgbuild, you probably should have noticed the fact that it's google searchable before you did it, and taken countermeasures yourself. Opinions? -S ----- Forwarded message from Tom Wizetek <mailadmin@wizetek.com> ----- To: simo@archlinux.org Subject: AUR PKGBUILD files and web searches Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 02:56:53 -0400 From: Tom Wizetek <mailadmin@wizetek.com> Hello. I must admit that I'm a bit concerned about how certain information contained in PKGBUILD files hosted on archlinux.org is returned by web searches. Specifically, I mean email addresses. For example, a simple search for my name: http://www.google.ca/search?q=tom+wizetek produces: Contributor: Tom Wizetek <tom@wizetek.com> pkgname=tleds linking to http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tleds/tleds/PKGBUILD This could be easily used for email address harvesting. Any chance you can add to the site's robots.txt (seems like the file exists but is empty) the appropriate entries to prevent web bots from listing the contents of PKGBUILDs? Thanks for hearing me out. -- Tom Wizetek (MajorTom) ----- End forwarded message -----