On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org> wrote:
I'm forwarding this to aur-dev, as it's come up before and I want to gather current opinions on it. A couple thoughts that come to my mind are that spam harvesters won't honor robots.txt anyway, and in the past people sort of agreed that by uploading a pkgbuild, you probably should have noticed the fact that it's google searchable before you did it, and taken countermeasures yourself.
Opinions? -S
There's simply no getting around it. Plain text files on a public server *will* get indexed by someone, somewhere. I also think it's important that the PKGBUILD contain correct and easily identifiable contact information. I suppose we could look at doing a mask of some sort, but I am highly sceptical of their effectiveness too. I think the best option is to simply use spam filters or a free email account which provide decent spam filters, such as Gmail. This is just my two cents of course, but there you have it.