I implemented the base of pkgparse (my Yacc/Lex parser). Currently it only handles word assignment (and not perfectly yet, values spanning multiple lines aren't handled). A few more features need to be implemented before it's really usable (the aforementioned bug, pattern matching notation and parameter expansion modifiers, and of course split package support). I don't think I'll be modifying the history of the experimental branch[1] anymore, so if anyone wants to contribute, go ahead. There's a release_prep branch with some things done to prepare for a release (not yet), but it still needs cleaning. I'm not sure if I'll be developing it as actively as I was, as I don't really have much time to spare. I'm quite satisfied with the progress. It seems quite possible to make an accurate and efficient PKGBUILD parser. Once finished it will definitely be worth using in AUR2 and any other projects dealing with PKGBUILDs. [1]: http://github.com/sebnow/pkgparse