On 01/09/2017 10:13 AM, Xyne wrote:
Doug Newgard wrote:
This is normal. When packages are deleted, the repo remains; the author's name and email are from their git config, not from the AUR.
I didn't think to check if there was a package in the official repos. I assume that is preventing the recreation of the package. If that were not the case, could the package be recreated via a push? Or is something else required to recreate a deleted package?
It can be recreated via a push, or via `ssh aur@aur.archlinux.org restore pkgbase` (without needing a new commit). Only TUs/Devs can force-push or (re)publish a blacklisted package (e.g. something that already exists in the repos) but aside from that the same logic applies everywhere in the backend AFAIK. -- Eli Schwartz