On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Denis Kobozev <d.v.kobozev@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there a suggested workflow for working with AUR git repo? Suppose I do the following:
$ git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/aur.git # code/test feature A $ git commit -a # commit feature A to my local branch $ git format-patch origin # create a patch with feature A # send patch with feature A to origin, patch applied to origin with git am
Now branches look like this:
---o---o---A' origin/master \ \---A local/master
I do a `git pull` from my local branch and get:
---o---o---A'--- origin/master \ \ \---A---M local/master
I then work on feature B and commit it to my local branch:
---o---o---A'--- origin/master \ \ \---A---M---o---B local/master
Then I do `git format-patch origin` and get two patches, both for A and B, even though A is already in origin as A'.
Is there a better way to do this?
If you're not in control of a branch, it is best not to work on that branch. I generally keep all my work in a separate branch, so that master can be clean and I can rebase as needed. That said, you can also do a "git pull --rebase" as needed, though you will have to address any conflicts