On 6/23/21 4:17 PM, Hunter Wittenborn via aur-dev wrote:
I'm in the middle of setting up an aurweb instance, but I'm having a few issues getting it set up:
First - no mail is getting sent for some reason. I'm fairly certain my email config in /etc/aurweb/config is set properly, as changing it also didn't yield any results. Is the `sendmail` option supposed to be set? It was empty, and I was thinking it might've been causing issues, but I wasn't sure what to do with it.
If it is set to the path of a sendmail binary, then the notify-cmd (aurweb-notify) will send messages to sendmail(1) and expect your MTA to be correctly configured. If it is not set, then you'll need the other keys in the [notifications] section (the smtp-* ones) correctly configured for the python "smtplib" library to communicate with an MTA that will send messages on your behalf. If neither is working, then check out the send() function in aurweb/scripts/notify.py, the smtplib interactions are fairly simple and I'm not sure what the problem might be.
Second - how do I create Trusted Users? After signing up (without being able to get the emails, so I'm stick), I'm seeing that I'm a normal, registered user, but how would I go about making myself a Trusted User?
Our production instance had those manually set up and accounts have always been migrated, never re-inited from scratch. You need to create or modify an account with the SQL field AccountTypeID set to 2. The current setup lets aurweb be initialized via python -m aurweb.initdb I would be open to extending this so that it allows defining an initial admin user; perhaps a management command too?
Anything I can try for either? --- *Hunter Wittenborn* hunter@hunterwittenborn.com
-- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User