On 07/06, Marcel Korpel wrote:
* Johannes Löthberg <johannes@kyriasis.com> (Sun, 7 Jun 2015 00:10:06 +0200):
You don't have to use either, you can just build a sourceball and then extract the .SRCINFO file with tar.
Creating a source tarball only to extract the .SRCINFO file afterwards, that sounds a bit cumbersome to me. Just issuing `mksrcinfo` is easier.
It's not really 'just' when you have to build the package first too.
Hopefully my --printsrcinfo patch will be merged into makepkg soon, though it will be quite a while until that actually gets released, most likely.
What does it do? Just print the contents of .SRCINFO to the terminal?
Yes. -- Sincerely, Johannes Löthberg PGP Key ID: 0x50FB9B273A9D0BB5 https://theos.kyriasis.com/~kyrias/