This morning I was looking for package requests, that I may be able to fill, on the bbs. After a few minutes of flipping through threads, I realised that nobody maintains the forum. These threads do not get edited properly to indicate that a request was filled. Every thread I looked at which seemed to be a request, was in fact already filled. Searching for a valid request seemed impossible. Who know how many threads spanning those 99 pages are actually filled or not? So I figured I may as well make a special section for it on the AUR site. The templates are a bit ugly still, and there's no searching implemented, nor do requests get marked as filled when a package gets submitted, but there's time for that. Here are some screenshots of what's done so far: * I discussed it with wizzo a bit and decided that comments weren't neccessary, but a "pkgbuild attempt" field would be useful. Any comments/discussion that people may have about the request can reside on the ML or bbs. * Request listing will have an "added" or "requested on" field