On 2/24/08, Cilyan Olowen <gaknar@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you for the link. Here is the updated translation for the french language. Patch is attached.
Two remarks :
1) Please don't commit without checking the patch file as it is my very first use of git and the translation system of AUR. I exactly followed the "Updating an existing translation" from http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Translation but 2 checks is better than one ! 2) There is a problem in acctfuncs.inc at line 204 : some variables are included inside the sentence to be translated so the translation_tool is missing a part of the sentence. I won't trick the translation as I don't really know when it is included and which variables are in the scope at this time, but I suggest to replace the sentence by [code] __("It must be %s - %s characters long.", array(USERNAME_MIN_LEN,USERNAME_MAX_LEN)) [/code] which will be easy for translation_tool to parse and translate.
Yeah I'm working on fixing that formatting oddity and translation stuff in general so I would wait until we're ready to close to releasing a new version until translating. Some of the strings may change and there might be some changes to translation_tool