On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Arno Gaboury <arnaud.gaboury@gmail.com>wrote:
this is a n00b question, but couldn't find any solution.
I use Texstudio, and it has been working fine until recently. After a huge bunch of updates yesterday, Texstudio doesn't launch, and returns this error:
*texstudio: error while loading shared libraries: libpoppler-qt4.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
*My poppler-qt package is up to date. * *According to the AUR page, I shall rebuild Texstudio after my update of libpoppler-qt. I rebuilt the package, but when I want to install, I have a WARNING : Failed to install built package as a long list of usr/share/texstudio files exist in filesystem.
My question is : how can I reinstall this AUR package? Shall I uninstall it before, and how? Shall I force the install, and how? Shall I just delete the already existing files in my filesystem?
TY for your help.
This isn't really a question for [aur-dev] btw, but more [arch-general]
Anyway as you can see libpoppler-qt4.so.3 is gone [jelle@P8][~/server/Devel2]%pkgfile libpoppler-qt4.so.3 And there is .so.4 now [jelle@P8][~/server/Devel2]%pkgfile libpoppler-qt4.so.4 extra/poppler-qt So your application needs to rebuild so it knows about .so.4 instead of .so.3 ( in short ) Now did you by any chance compile the package from source with using AUR? Try to run the following command on the conflicting files pacman -Qo /usr/share/conflicting_files -- Jelle van der Waa