On Tue, 09 Jun 2015 at 16:52:52, Chris Warrick wrote:
Hello, In AURv4, URLPath was removed due to the introduction of Git integration, which raises the question: what is the recommended way for AUR helpers to get packages? Should they:
(a) manually generate a clone URL (/PKGBASE.git/) and clone it?
Yes, please clone using Git and use `git pull` (or `git fetch`) for updates. Alternatively, if you don't care about the package base history, create a shallow clone with "--depth 1".
(b) manually generate a tarball URL (/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/PKGBASE.tar.gz) and download it?
Please don't do that. The snapshot tarballs are only designed for users who don't have access to a working Git setup.
(c) do something else entirely?
In other words: could you please add a RPC field with a “recommended” URL to work with?
I could do that. Note that I don't see a good reason for ever changing the clone URIs though (unless we switch to a completely different system again), so I am not sure whether such a field is needed.
-- Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/> PGP: 5EAAEA16