On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Alexander Griesbaum <agrsbm@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Daniel Wallace <danielwallace@gtmanfred.com
Hello, I have been having to deal with some idiot who is pissed off in the aur for some reason. He keeps marking all my packages out of date. And somehow he is able to continually do this even after I have suspended his account. I am not sure if this is because of the cookie still working and him still being logged in.
Would it be possible to add captchas to flag packages out of date, or to make it so that suspending an account kills the cookie?
Maybe I missed something... I want to get back to the fact, that the user could flag packages after he was suspended. In January, canyonknight committed a patch for this specific problem[1]: "A suspended user can stay in active sessions. Introduce new function delete_user_sessions to remove all open sessions for a specific user. Allows suspensions to take effect immediately."
Yes, that patch should immediately suspend a user account. There hasn't been a new AUR release since that was committed, so I don't believe it was applied to the official AUR setup.
I tested this locally and I can confirm that the suspended user was immediately logged out. Maybe you should file a bug report and we should do some tests here?
Thanks for confirming that my patch works! Regards, Jason