On Sat 31 Jul 2010 21:10 +0200, Dan Vratil wrote:
On Saturday 31 July 2010 18:26:59 Loui Chang wrote:
On Sat 31 Jul 2010 17:54 +0200, Dan Vratil wrote:
this patch is adding meta refresh tag and a link back to the package page from the screens that confirm comment deletion and change of package category.
The link is displayed always, but the autoredirection is done only when the action was sucessfull. This allows user to read or note down a possible error output in case of failure.
The delay for refresh is set to 5 seconds, but that can be discussed.
This isn't consistent with the way the other 'redirection' is performed. It would be preferable to just load on the package page with a message at the top saying that the comment was deleted.
Please have a look at how flagging, orphaning, and adopting work. It probably will take more effort to implement, but it's the proper solution that will work with all web browsers.
Thanks for you contributions!
Sure, I thought it won't be that easy :)
I've finished deleting comments and now I'm thinking about where to put the code for the form for changing the package category and I got an idea, that the best solution would be to replace the link with the current category name by a combobox with list of categories and the text "(change category)" by a button with the same text that would submit the new category directly. This would also allow me to remove the pkgedit.php script entirely.
What do you think about? I don't want to make such a big change in layout without permission :)
Sounds like a good idea to me.