Am 17.01.2013 20:52, schrieb Fernando Monticelli:
Hi all,
Current vidyo (a CERN video conferencing tool) package in AUR doesn' t work for me. But I found a hack here ( which makes vidyo believes is running under ubuntu. That actually works. It s just the package in that hack is an old version of Vidyo.
So I made up a new PKGBUILD for the latest version of vidyo. This PKGBUILD is a modification of the one currently in AUR ( plus the hack I found.
In any case, I can' t upload it to AUR because vidyo belongs to another maintanier. How can I proceed? Should I ask the other maintainer to modify his PKGBUILD?
Thanks a lot!
Hello, first, you ask this pquestion on the wrong list. This list is about developement of the AUR itself. aur-general would be the right list. Second, you can leave a comment in the AUR comments. You posted the link already Third, you can write a mail to the maintainer. Click on the maintainer's name on the AUR side of the package. If you do not hear from the maintainer between fourtenn days, write a mail to aur-general and ask for orphaning the package for taking it over. Thanks for you willing to contribute. Best Regards Stefan.