6 Jan
6 Jan
10:12 p.m.
Some people think that AUR in the current state is an unmaintainable mess, with many outdated packages, PKGBUILDs that haven't been updated in a looong while https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=175171 Some users suggest transforming AUR into a wiki, some would like to use git for pull requests etc., others support an annual wipe i.e. AUR is moved into a read-only state (and moved to aur-old address) and maintainers are asked to resubmit PKGBUILDs - this would keep old comments and votes and over time only the PKGBUILDs that actually are maintained would be kept in the AUR. What are the thoughts of the AUR overlords about all this? If you give such grassroots effort a NACK, there's no point in the discussion, until further notice.