As I worked on most of the parsing code at the moment: we don't have any "if-then-else" statements. AUR can (currently) handle only static assignments and bash arrays (or how are they called) and evals.
This is because we don't evaluate the "bash" part of the script just the variable assignments. Would be nice to have a whole bash interpreter or similar, but I don't have an idea how to get that done securely at the moment.... Any suggestions? E.g. that example on the top would not get through...
As for the linked feature request: the "depends" should be straightforward (I didn't look into it much, yet, but we should have all the required data). The "makedepends" is not stored for the web interface, so should be added there first. Would be quite valuable, I think... Even optdepends could be useful if we would add it one day, the only problem is, that it does not seem to have a standard format across packages.
So, on a related note, making such upgrades: patches for the pages (php or html...) are straightforward. How does someone send a patch which would need a change in the SQL database in the back?
Cheers, Greg
Thanks for the replies, Greg. I suspected that it was scraping the PKGBUILDs due to discrepancies reported on the bug tracker (valid PKGBUILDs not being properly parsed on the AUR, etc). There is no fully functional solution to extracting data from bash PKGBUILDs. Sourcing it exposes you to malicious code and implementing a full interpreter would do the same (as it would have to handle command outputs, which in turn means running commands). Anything less will not be able to fully parse all valid PKGBUILDs. That's why I've been playing around with the idea of a non-bash PKGBUILD [1]. The AUR would definitely benefit from this as would any application which interacts with it. It would be nice to accurately resolve dependency trees using only the JSON-RPC interface, for example. Where can I view the code for the web pages? [1]