Good point. I guess the real question is should this be handled by makepkg or the AUR website? I don't see it being very difficult to have it done by the AUR website. Of course, the url would have to be placed alone in a separate file (AUR does not and will not parse PKGBUILDS) Perhaps someone that is more familiar with AUR/makepkg development will chime in on this... Best, Dustin On Sat 30 Nov 2013 11:18:57 AM CST, Yardena Cohen wrote:
I think this proposal is something simpler, almost akin to url= in a PKGBUILD. I too keep my PKGBUILDs in a git repo, and sometimes I've even put the github link as the upstream URL. It would be nice if there was a more correct place for that.
Maintainers can use their own host, doesn't have to be github. Obviously we're responsible for avoiding dead links, just as in url= and source= etc.