On Wednesday, June 23, 2010, Denis Kobozev <d.v.kobozev@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
If you're not in control of a branch, it is best not to work on that branch. I generally keep all my work in a separate branch, so that master can be clean and I can rebase as needed.
It's somewhat surprising that the Git documentation and other online info I found rarely describes what happens after you do `git format-patch origin`. Perhaps I've been thinking about this for too long. Suppose I do this:
$ git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/aur.git $ git checkout -b feature_a # code, test... $ git commit -a
$ git checkout master $ git pull origin $ git checkout feature_a $ git rebase master $ git format-patch master $ git send-email --to "aur-dev@archlinux.org" *.patch
Then after a while I'd like to see if feature A has been accepted. I do:
$ git checkout master $ git pull $ git log
It looks like it has been accepted. Can I be sure it has been accepted in its entirety and that I can delete my feature_a branch? I could've sent a series of patches and some of them have been rejected.
man git-cherry