Hello! I think it would be nice if the AUR package details site can show the voters for a package, like in case of bugs.archlinux.org operation. E.g. Votes 10 <javascript:showhidestuff('showvotes')> - Laszlo Papp (djszapi) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/5087>(2009-09-26) - Paulo Santos (Sayo) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/5624> (2009-09-14) - Florian Pritz (bluewind) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/3548>(2009-08-12) - Jens Pranaitis (jensp) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/2901>(2009-07-29) - Barry Williams (bazzawill) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/5370>(2009-06-11) - Ilya Yakushin (Harliff) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/5283>(2009-05-24) - Sven-Hendrik Haase (Svenstaro) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/4209>(2009-04-23) - Jud (judfilm) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/409> (2008-12-11) - Nathanael Schaeffer (john_schaf) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/2112>(2008-11-14) - Thomas Mudrunka (harvie) <http://bugs.archlinux.org/user/4021>(2008-11-03) (you voted for this task) When you click the Votes number the voters list would appear. Best Regards, Laszlo Papp