On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Arno Gaboury <arnaud.gaboury@gmail.com>wrote:
On 06/13/2012 03:27 PM, Arno Gaboury wrote:
On 06/13/2012 03:13 PM, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Arno Gaboury <arnaud.gaboury@gmail.com> **wrote:
this is a n00b question, but couldn't find any solution.
I use Texstudio, and it has been working fine until recently. After a huge bunch of updates yesterday, Texstudio doesn't launch, and returns this error:
*texstudio: error while loading shared libraries: libpoppler-qt4.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
*My poppler-qt package is up to date. * *According to the AUR page, I shall rebuild Texstudio after my update of libpoppler-qt. I rebuilt the package, but when I want to install, I have a WARNING : Failed to install built package as a long list of usr/share/texstudio files exist in filesystem.
My question is : how can I reinstall this AUR package? Shall I uninstall it before, and how? Shall I force the install, and how? Shall I just delete the already existing files in my filesystem?
TY for your help.
This isn't really a question for [aur-dev] btw, but more [arch-general]
Anyway as you can see libpoppler-qt4.so.3 is gone
[jelle@P8][~/server/Devel2]%**pkgfile libpoppler-qt4.so.3 And there is .so.4 now [jelle@P8][~/server/Devel2]%**pkgfile libpoppler-qt4.so.4 extra/poppler-qt
So your application needs to rebuild so it knows about .so.4 instead of .so.3 ( in short )
Now did you by any chance compile the package from source with using AUR? Try to run the following command on the conflicting files
pacman -Qo /usr/share/conflicting_files
As fas as I can remember, I already add issues when installing Texstudio from AUR, and you are right, I compiled it from source with using AUR. The package is not outdated according to the maintainer, and one user with same issue as mine claimed he didn't use packagemanager to install texstudio first time, so his old installation was messed up with the new one. It seems I have same problem, but I do not know how to solve it. Most of all the conflicting files are .png, html or files, except fot the binary /usr/bin/studio. So I guess I can force the install, but don't know how to do it.
After building the app, I cd in the src directroy, then run make install, Et voila!
N.B: Last time I posted in the gen ML about an AUR package, they send me to the AUR ML !! So I am not sure how to choose.
This list is _not_ for AUR support, it's for aur development ( the website). Btw You didn't fix anything by using sudo make install, the next time you'll use makepkg -i it will fail again since files will stay conflicting... (hint pacman -Qo ) -- Jelle van der Waa