On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 at 16:43:53, Marcel Korpel wrote:
[...] I like the idea of having tags, but not that the server applies them in the background: it's too error prone if users have to manually type `&& git pull` behind there `git push`. Perhaps a simple script, possibly included in pkgbuild-introspection, can take care of the extra hassle (and perhaps include a tag in the client repository?) of typing `git push [origin master] && git pull` every time?
Just to clarify: Users don't necessarily need to run `git pull` after each `git push`. Not running that command just means they won't fetch the tags the server added automatically. They can still use `git fetch` to import the tags later at any point in time. The problem with creating them on the client-side is that it requires special tools in every local repository and even then, checking the tags for consistency (and making sure that they are attached to every commit) is involved. Users would have to use `git push --tags` instead of `git push` and we would have to do all the tag computation on the server again for validation. After discussing this with some developers and some users in #git, I am still not totally convinced that it is sane to add tags on the server but I think we should give it a try. Patches welcome!
Just my few thoughts…
Regards, Marcel
Regards, Lukas