Hello all, i'm Manuel Tortosa, from the Chakra Project and i work in the Chakra Webpage developement ( i'm the pacman Catalan translator :P ) As you know we forked AUR to fit the Chakra needs, using your code. I did some changes to the source code and this means it's impossible to keep our implementation synced upstream but i plan to add some new features to our AUR installation and i already added some, even if it's not possible to mix both implementations i'm interested in provide you any new feature i add to the code suitable for both needs, in the form of patches maded directly to the AUR source code. Later you can decide to apply these patches features or not ;) As example i added syntax highlighting via GeShi to the pkgbuild view, this is how AUR shows a packagebuild, when you click in the pkgbuild link in packages.php (Tarball :: Files :: PKGBUILD): http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gxneur-svn/gxneur-svn/PKGBUILD This is how Ccr shows a pkgbuild: http://chakra- project.org/ccr/pkgbuildview.php?pkgbuild=packages/yum/yum/PKGBUILD where can i send these patches? All the paches will be prepared using the AUR source code and template agnostic to fit the ARCH look even if this means double work for me. Thanks a lot for your work. Keep Arch rolling!