On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 06:50:14PM +0100, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 10:08:54AM -0600, Dan McGee wrote:
AUR side: * Using CHAR as a datatype is absolutely silly in new code, use VARCHAR, and why do anything shorter than 255 or 512? * On that note, almost all CHAR usages in the current schema are silly and should be using VARCHAR- anything on the Packages table, PackageCategories, PackageSources, TU_VoteInfo, AccountTypes, Username/Email/Passwd/IRCNick on Users.
I just copied that from another table schema, but you're absolutely right. I'll work on replacing all that CHAR stuff with VARCHARs later. Might become a kinda ugly updating process from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 :)
* Oh my, I forgot we are still on MyISAM for the AUR. Please to god switch to InnoDB and use transactions instead.
Full ack. I'll talk to Loui about that.
Fixed. Everything should be compatible with InnoDB now (talking about what's in my working tree - didn't push to gerolde yet). Also, aurblup uses transactions by default.