Hi On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Evan Pitstick <nerdx00@gmail.com> wrote:
I just adopted the sakura-bzr package and as it's my first aur submission
Welcome in da club!
I thought I'd request some comments. You can find the files here:
https://github.com/xaocon/sakura-bzr/blob/master/PKGBUILD https://github.com/xaocon/sakura-bzr/blob/master/sakura-bzr.install
One question I had in particular was about adding a variable. This is clearly discouraged in the documentation. I used ${pkgname%-bzr} in the source URL (as well as in several other places in the PKGBUILD). The website doesn't seem to parse the source line as I expected. I curious if it makes more sense to also create a _pkgname var and use it instead.
I see following trick in other people's PKGBUILD, they define additional variable, e.g. _name=sakura and later use it as pkgname=${_name}-bzr or rm /foo/bar/${_name} All comments/suggestions welcome.
Move "sed" usage from build() to prepare() function https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Creating_Packages#The_prepare.28.29_fun... I would suggest to move pkgver() down, next to prepare().